
Soft Aluminum Foil For Food Itsms

Soft Aluminum Foil For Food Itsms

Soft Aluminum Foil For Food Itsms Food aluminum foil packaging bag is a kind of flexible packaging that directly contacts food. Whether its quality is qualified or not directly affects the safety of food. In the eyes of foreigners, food aluminum foil bag packaging is as important as food quality. Packaging is the "coat" of food, and once it goes wrong, food safety will also be threatened. To this end, the state stipulates relevant inspection standards for aluminum foil packaging bags for food.
The Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China shall come into force on June 1, 2019, and the Food Sanitation Law of the People's Republic of China shall be repealed at the same time. Food safety standards should include requirements for labels, signs, and instructions related to food safety and nutrition; containers, tools and equipment for storing, transporting, and loading and unloading food should be safe, harmless, kept clean, prevent food contamination, and comply with the guarantee of food safety. Special requirements such as the temperature required for safety; food that is directly imported should be packaged in small packages or use non-toxic and clean packaging materials and tableware. The production and operation of unlabeled prepackaged food is prohibited. When a food operator sells bulk food, it shall indicate the name, date of manufacture, shelf life, name and contact information of the food operator on the container and outer packaging of the bulk food. Foods and food additives that do not conform to the contents stated in their labels and instructions shall not be marketed for sale.
Food operators shall sell prepackaged food in accordance with the requirements of the warning signs, warning instructions or precautions indicated on food labels. Imported prepackaged food shall have Chinese labels and Chinese instructions. Labels and instructions shall comply with the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations of my country and the requirements of national food safety standards, and shall indicate the origin of the food and the name, address and contact information of domestic agents. Prepackaged food that does not have Chinese labels or instructions in Chinese, or if the labels and instructions do not comply with the provisions of this article, shall not be imported.
The Soft Aluminum Foil For Food Itsms raw materials produced by HTMM are products that meet the national food grade standards 

Soft Aluminium House hold Foil 8011 Alloy Not only can be used in the kitchen for cooking food, but also as a tool in the kitchen

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