
How to calculate the thickness of aluminum foil ?

How to calculate the thickness of aluminum foil ?

People often come into contact with large rolls of aluminum foil produced by aluminum foil manufacturers that can be used for aluminum foil packaging bags. They also know that general plastic bags are as thin as paper. So how do you determine the thickness of plastic bags like aluminum foil bags? Today I will tell you about the thickness measurement method of aluminum foil bags.
The unit of measurement of the thickness of the aluminum foil bag:
Silk is the unit of measurement for the thickness of aluminum foil bags. Normal 1 wire = 0.01 mm. If there are 8 wires on a single side, the thickness is 0.08 mm.
Measuring tool of aluminum foil bag thickness:
If you want to know the thickness of the aluminum foil bag, the most direct and easiest way is to directly measure it with a micrometer. Micrometers are also called spiral micrometers. It is a tool specially used to measure micrometers.
Operation method of
aluminum foil bag thickness measurement:
1. Check the zero point before use. Slowly turn the fine-tuning knob to make the measuring rod contact with the measuring anvil until the ratchet makes a sound. At this time, the zero mark on the movable ruler (moving sleeve) should be on the fixed sleeve. The reference line (long horizontal line) is aligned, otherwise there will be zero error.
2. Hold the ruler holder in the left hand, turn the coarse adjustment knob with the right hand to make the distance between the measuring rod and the measuring anvil slightly larger than the measured object, put in the measured object, turn the protection knob to clamp the measured object, until the ratchet makes a sound, turn it to fix The knob fixes the measuring rod and reads.
Reading method:
1. Read the fixed scale first
2. Read the half-scale again. If the half-scale line is exposed, it is recorded as 0.5mm; if the half-scale line is not exposed, it is recorded as 0.0mm;
3. Read the movable scale again (pay attention to the estimate). Denoted as n×0.01mm;

4.The final reading result is fixed scale + half scale + movable scale + estimated reading.

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