
Aluminum Foil 3003 Alloy For Automobile Radiator

Aluminum Foil 3003 Alloy For Automobile Radiator

Because aluminum alloy radiators have good heat exchange capacity, high strength, light weight, and good recyclability, they have become the mainstream products of heat exchangers abroad.
From the perspective of the global energy crisis: one of the important aspects of automobile lightweight is the lightweight of the radiator assembly, which has changed from traditional copper to aluminum with a relatively low density, that is, the radiator assembly. Aluminization, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing weight, saving energy and improving emissions.
The aluminization of radiator supplies has reached a fairly complete level in the world. From the basic material of aluminum radiator to the manufacturing technology of various radiator tubes, the smooth progress of the aluminization of the radiator system is ensured.
In view of the single variety, backward performance, high price and backward manufacturing technology of my country’s automobile radiator pipes, an important task before us is to make the strips and pipes for automobile aluminum radiators localized through efforts to achieve excellent performance. , Reliable quality, low price, complete specifications and varieties, and capable of stable mass production.
Non-ferrous metal pipes (here mainly refers to aluminum and aluminum alloys) have always been the first choice for heat transfer pipes in the heat exchanger industry due to their good mechanical, physical and chemical and technological properties.
In the 1960s and before, most automobile radiator systems were made of copper. Since the 1970s, with the global energy crisis and the increasing demand for environmental protection, coupled with the rise in copper prices, it has greatly stimulated the lightness of the radiator system. The demand for quantification and energy saving and consumption reduction, the tendency of aluminum radiator system is becoming more and more obvious.
Therefore, aluminum products will become the mainstream products in the radiator market in the future, and the corresponding market demand for
aluminum foil will also increase. This will be an opportunity for us to expand the market.

Aluminum Foil 3003 For Automobile Radiator In fact, it is very common for aluminum foil to be used for radiators. The material used in our air conditioner radiators is aluminum foil, and with the development and progress of society, the application of this material will become more and more extensive.

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