
Aluminium Foil For Capacitors

Aluminium Foil For Capacitors

Capacitors are one of the three major passive electronic components (resistors, capacitors and inductors). They occupy an important position in the electronic components industry and are essential basic electronic components in electronic circuits. Among the components, capacitors are the most widely used and the most used, accounting for about 40% of all electronic components. Capacitors are mainly divided into four categories: aluminum electrolytic capacitors, tantalum electrolytic capacitors, ceramic capacitors and film capacitors according to different dielectrics. Among them, aluminum electrolytic capacitors It has significant advantages such as high CV value per unit volume and high cost performance. Its output value accounts for about one-third of the entire capacitor market. With the development of new energy and new energy vehicles, inverter technology and other new industries, its annual growth rate has remained stable at 8 %, and may further expand market share in the future.
The basic functions of aluminum electrolytic capacitors in electronic circuits are generally summarized as: passing AC and blocking DC, having the functions of filtering, bypassing, coupling and fast charging and discharging, and has the characteristics of small size, large stored power, and high cost performance. With the advancement of modern technology and the continuous improvement of capacitor performance, aluminum electrolytic capacitors have been widely used in consumer electronics, communication products, computers and peripheral products, new energy, automation control, automotive industry, optoelectronic products, high-speed railways and aviation and military Equipment etc. As the key basic raw material of aluminum electrolytic capacitors,
aluminum foil is the part with the highest technical content and added value in the entire aluminum electrolytic capacitor components. The quality of aluminum foil directly affects the quality of its downstream products, aluminum electrolytic capacitors, and thus the quality of end products. In recent years, with the accelerated transfer of aluminum electrolytic capacitor production bases to my country and the rapid increase in output, my country's electronic aluminum foil processing industry has developed rapidly.

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