
Aluminium Foil 1235 O Grade 12000M For Lamination

Aluminium Foil 1235 O Grade 12000M For Lamination

Aluminum foil is not only soft in texture, good in ductility, easy to process, but also light and beautiful, easy to recycle, environmentally friendly, and is one of the most commonly used materials in modern packaging.
In addition, because of its high magnetic permeability, good magnetic absorption and electromagnetic wave shielding ability, and good heat resistance, it is also often used for packaging electronic equipment and semiconductor articles.
However, when used alone, it is easy to form pinholes during use and reduce its barrier properties, so it is often combined with other polymer materials or metal materials to achieve better use effects.
Using its moisture-proof, rust-proof, gas-barrier and corrosion resistance, it can be laminated with paper to become aluminum foil composite paper, or it can be combined with paper to form multilayer composite paper by using thermoplastic film as an adhesive. This composite paper combines the high barrier properties of aluminum foil and the folding and impact resistance of paper materials to become a high-performance packaging material.
At present, there are many varieties of this type of aluminum foil composite paper, and different papers can be used according to different needs. Due to the high barrier properties and various packaging adaptability of aluminum-plastic composite paper, it is now widely used in both industrial product packaging and food packaging.
At present, my country is the largest cigarette producer and consumer country in the world. Because of its high flexibility, decoration and protection, aluminum foil has basically replaced the asphalt moisture-proof paper and has become the leading packaging material for cigarette packaging. The newly emerging aluminized paper gradually withdrew from the field of cigarette packaging.

Aluminium Foil Double Zero 1235 O For Lamination Packaging Medicinal aluminum foil is non-toxic and tasteless when packaging medicines, harmless to the human body

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