
What are the common thickness options for 8079 aluminum foil for flexible packaging?

8079 aluminum foil has become one of the most commonly used foil materials in flexible packaging due to its excellent flexibility, deadfold properties and enhanced corrosion resistance compared to traditional 3XXX series foil. As a leading global producer of aluminum foil, HTMM understands the importance of providing 8079 aluminum foil solutions in various thickness options to meet the diverse needs of flexible packaging customers. In this article, we will take a closer look at the common thickness standards and specifications of HTMM's 8079 aluminum foil line through real-world application examples.

Specifications Built for Universal Applications

HTMM manufactures 8079 aluminum foil using premium 8XXX alloy, which delivers superior formability, deadfold characteristics and corrosion resistance important for flexible packaging converting processes. The premium alloy composition allows the foil to bend and form accurately at high speeds without cracking or splitting.

HTMM produces standard thicknesses from 3μm up to 50μm. The three most common 8079 aluminum foil thicknesses requested by customers are:

6-12μm thickness - Provides excellent flexibility needed for high-speed wrapping applications like confectionery wrappers. The ultra-thin 6-8μm foil beautifully drapes over chocolates during wrapping.

12-20μm thickness - Offers an ideal balance of strength, stiffness and flexibility for various blister packs, lidding films and other packaging substrates. Quality control supervisors have noted the 12-15μm performs well for pharmaceutical blister packs.

20-30μm thickness - Delivers optimum barrier properties required for retort packaging foods like soups and baby food. Retort poucher engineers confirm the 20μm foil laminated films meet shelf-life needs.

The standardized thickness options allow customers to easily transition between packaging types on a single high-speed line. According to a production manager, “Having products available in set thicknesses and grammages provides flexibility.”


Adaptable Barrier for Today's Packaging Demands

Due to the material's soft and deadfoldable nature combined with an extensive thickness range, HTMM's 8079 aluminum foil demonstrates great adaptability for the flexible packaging industry. Here are some successful real-world applications:

Confectionery Wraps: The 6-8μm foil offers the draping capabilities needed to beautifully wrap chocolates at speeds over 200 pieces/minute. "It delivers a wonderful shine and crisp folds consistently," said one factory head.

Pharmaceutical Blister Packs: Blister lidding utilizing 12-15μm foil provides the strength for automated packaging equipment while maintaining package integrity over long distribution cycles.
Retort Pouches: The 20μm foil thickness laminated to films withstands rigorous high-temperature steam sterilization required to shelf-stabilize soups and other retort foods for 2+ years.

Industrial Machine Covers: The heavy-duty 30-50μm foil protects machinery during abrasive wash-down cleaning in meat and dairy processing plants.

These real examples illustrate how 8079 aluminum foil from HTMM enables flexible solutions through a wide array of optimized thickness options.


Does the Material Warrant the Higher Cost?

While aluminum foil has a higher initial material price point than plastic films, its total cost must consider long-term lifecycle factors key to the packaging industry and its stakeholders. These include recyclability at the end of use, proven regulatory approval for direct-contact food applications, and shelf-life extension capabilities - all helping to offset any premium over alternate packaging materials.

As a seasoned production manager emphasized, “Directing customers to the optimum thickness tailored for their application requirements empowers 8079 aluminum foil to provide high performance at competitive costs.” Suppliers like HTMM play an important advisory role through technical recommendations and specifications expertise that streamline packaged goods design and manufacturing.

HTMM’s extensive product range of 8079 aluminum foil, from ultra-thin 6μm up to rugged 50μm gauges, coupled with application know-how, allows flexible packaging professionals to universally apply this multi-purpose material. Key common 8079 aluminum foil thicknesses between 6-30μm deliver versatility across high-speed conversion processes from confectionary and pharmaceutical blister packs to retort food pouches and more. Technical guidance specific to end-use needs maximizes both 8079 aluminum foil performance and value for diverse markets.
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